U.S. License Holder:
Eli Lilly
Date of License:
Last Update:
FDA-Approved Indications
HUMATROPE (somatropin) is a recombinant human growth hormone indicated for:
Pediatric Patients: Growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH); short stature associated with Turner syndrome; Idiopathic Short Stature (ISS), height standard deviation score (SDS) less than -2.25, and associated with growth rates unlikely to permit attainment of adult height in the normal range; short stature or growth failure in short stature homeoboxcontaining gene (SHOX) deficiency; short stature born small for gestational age (SGA) with no catch-up growth by 2 years to 4 years of age;
Adult Patients: Replacement of endogenous GH in adults with GH deficiency.