Lexology Webinar
February 22, 2018
Inter partes review (IPR) proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) of the USPTO have been popular since their inception in 2012, and petitions are increasingly being filed against biologic drug patents. Venable Fitzpatrick’s award-winning intellectual property attorneys provide you with unique insights and the latest statistics on biologic drug IPRs and the lessons to be learned from recent institution and final written decisions.
Corinne Atton, Whitney Meier, and Robert Schwartz will discuss:
- Statistics related to CDER-listed (“Purple Book”) biologic drug IPRs including: IPR petitions filed, patents challenged in both IPR and district court litigation, claim types challenged in IPR, IPR outcomes, and comparisons to data on IPRs filed against Orange Book listed patents.
- Lessons learned from analyzing biologic drug IPRs by claim type: methods of treatment, formulation, composition of matter, and process/manufacturing.
This webinar is perfect for life sciences professionals interested in understanding how IPRs are being used to challenge biologic drug patents.