by April Breyer Menon | Jun 26, 2019
Venable partner Ha Kung Wong spoke at ISPOR’s annual conference as part of a panel that discussed the biosimilar market in the US. As a follow-up to that presentation, Ha Kung participated in a Q&A for Biosimilar Development, including providing thoughts...
by April Breyer Menon | Jun 25, 2019
Venable partner Ha Kung Wong spoke at the ACI 10th Summit on Biosimilars as part of a panel that reviewed the economics of biosimilars and generic drugs. Highlights from his presentation comparing biosimilar markets in Europe and the United States and his take-home...
by April Breyer Menon | Jun 14, 2019
Venable partner Ha Kung Wong commented on the Terminating the Extension of Rights Misappropriated Act, or TERM Act, H.R. 3199, as part of the Law360 article “New Bill Would Reshape Drug Patent Cases in Uncertain Ways,” available here. The TERM Act was...
by April Breyer Menon | Jun 6, 2019
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by April Breyer Menon | May 23, 2019
Venable partner Ha Kung Wong spoke at the ISPOR 2019 annual meeting as part of a panel that reviewed the current state of the biosimilar market and challenges to biosimilar uptake in the U.S. His comments on pending Congressional action relating to the Purple Book,...
by April Breyer Menon | May 7, 2019
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